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70 year old female. Note good thermal activity in both hands. Fairly symmetrical with a slight increase in focal hot spots on the subject's right hand (image left). Legend: red is hot, blue is cold. | |
Asymmetrical image of the upper extremities. Adult male subject. Cool fingers appearing on both hands. Increased thermal activity on right forearm. Decreased thermal intensity is significant on left forearm. Subject was post-recovery from a boating accident where an artery was severed on the left arm. | |
Two sets of hands compared side by side. Both were adult males. Note difference in thermal activity between the two. Subject on right shows significantly less activity in right hand as opposed to left. Subject on left is fairly symmetrical except for focal hot spots in the region of the wrist on the left hand. | |
Adult female. Note complete absence of fingers in the image. Significantly decreased thermal activity in both hands. Somewhat symmetrical in appearance. | |
Adult female with increased thermal activity on the right arm, particularly in the region of the thumb and wrist. The left hand shows decreased thermal activity in the fingers as opposed to the right hand. Subject had caught her hand in an elevator door. | |
Professional football player. Dorsal portion of the upper extremities. Relatively symmetrical thermal distribution with a focalized heat zone appearing on both wrists. Slightly increased thermal zone on the right hand versus the left. Distal portions of all ten digits have decreased thermal activity, but are symmetrical. | |
Another football player wearing a watch and bracelet. Image does not show all of the digits, however indicates increased thermal activity on right hand and arm as opposed to the left where the heat activity is focalized in the region of the left thumb. | |
Significant thermal cut-off in both hands, showing extremely cool temperatures up into wrists and forearms. Equally cool thermal zones on both arms. | |
Symmetrical thermal obliteration of digits in both hands. Subject is wearing a bracelet on both arms. Relatively symmetrical thermal distribution, while in the cooler range, over both hands and forearms. | |
Increased thermal activity in the thumb as opposed to the other fingers. Subject had sprained the thumb. Ideally, both hands should be included in the image for comparative reasons. | |
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