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25 years of providing clinical IR systems
Green technology for health imaging!


Get the Thermal Picture!

Non-invasive thermal scans 
for evaluating health conditions ...
using Teletherm infrared imaging technology

HIPPOCRATES, the father of modern medicine, immersed his patients in mud. Where the heat of an area on the body caused the mud to dry first was an indication that disease might be present.

The importance of evaluating the heat associated with health conditions goes further back to the Ancient Egyptians. They used their hands to move over the body, while their brains acted as a computer to analyze the heat signals being generated. 

Modern infrared cameras now update these methods by looking at the far-infrared portion of the spectrum associated with the heat being emitted from the body. This portion of the spectrum is not visible to the human eye, and therefore requires a sophisticated detector inside the camera to translate the signals into a color scale, from hot to cold. The resultant images of the body will vary in shades from red to blue, representing the activity of the area being scanned.

This is a truly non-invasive imaging method, as safe as looking in the mirror. The camera is recording the heat signals being generated by the body.

The significance of this information is represented in over 4,000 published articles on the subject in the medical literature.

Thermal imaging is a safe, effective method for mapping the distribution of temperature over the body's surface. This can reveal and document a host of physical conditions, giving a functional perspective which may not be available through other means.

Thermal "heat maps" 
of the human body are useful 
for evaluating:

Musculoskeletal disorders

Abnormalities of the breast

Extracranial cerebral 
vascular disease

Peripheral vascular disease

Abnormalities of thyroid glands

& Neoplastic / Inflammatory conditions

Physician Quotes

"I believe that combining the facial
and cranial... will be a significant
breakthrough in diagnosis and
treatment of various headache 
disorders." J. Golnick, M.D.
- Nebraska

"There isn't another diagnostic 
instrument that can measure 
vascular changes in peripheral
systems, especially the carotids."
J. Baron, D.O., Ohio

"We plan to ... set up a series
of research investigations
collaborating the ultrasound 
findings of the uterus and its 
contents and confirming these
with the thermal image obtained."
R. Hayashi, M.D., Dept. of Ob-Gyn,
U. of Michigan

"As you would expect of a Harley
Street practitioner, Dr. Sultan
Pabani can now back up the proof
of his success with thermo-imaging
techniques ... which reveals areas
of pain before and after treatment.
" G. Kemp, London Reporter

"Just as xrays evaluate skeletal 
injury, hi-tech thermal imaging
equipment can reveal and document
numerous conditions, especially 
those associated with soft tissues,
which may not be readily or 
economically detectable."
A. Clark, DVM, Idaho

"We rely upon infrared cameras to
tell us about the far reaches of the
Universe ... it's reasonable to expect
that we should gain valuable 
information on a human subject 
placed only four feet away." 
Margaret Abernathy, M.D., American 
Academy of Thermology.

Teletherm infrared thermal camera

(C) Copyright 1999-2010   Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research, P.O. Box 75155, Tampa, Florida 33675-5155  USA
Telephone:  813/443-3700 or email: All rights reserved worldwide.