Thermology Teletherm infrared imaging
                          logo 2019    


Two Day Comprehensive Training Seminar on
Infrared Thermal Imaging
for biomedical, scientific & health applications

Complete hands-on educational sessions for
Setup of Clinical Thermal Imaging / Services / Applications

Open to all levels - does not require previous experience

Register Early!


Qualified instruction from experienced professionals in this field
with Certificate of Completion

    Program Sections:
  • Uses for Infrared Thermal Imaging
  • Procedures for Creating a Thermal Imaging Center
  • Appropriate Marketing to the Public
  • Image Reading / Image Review Techniques
  • Telemedicine - Conferencing - Remote Viewing
  • Evaluation of Software Processing / Color Lab / Isotherm studies
  • Relating Thermal Imaging to Other Methods
  • Live operational instruction of the Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera
  • Various Protocols in Scientific Studies
  • Current Papers and Advances in the Research
  • Treatment Assessment and Efficacy
  • Veterinary and Sports Thermology
  • Advanced Uses for Thermal Imaging
  • Recommended Reading / Organizations
  • Case Examples with Image Correlation
  • Actual Clinic Review - Operational Studies
  • Imaging Layout  / Views / Fees
  • Technology Evaluation per Application
  • Discussion Forum

Learn about the many new applications! 

Understand the various infrared equipment features.

Steps needed for organization of an imaging service

Marketing programs and communications that are appropriate

Two days of sessions to cover all the bases!

Dates & Venues:
August 26 & 27  - Thursday & Friday
Tampa Training Center, International Plaza, 2202 N. West Shore Blvd., Suite 200, Tampa, Florida  USA


Tampa International Airport (International Plaza is adjacent to airport)

Tampa Airport Marriott, Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, Westin Tampa Waterside, Hilton Garden Inn Tampa Airport Westshore. Shuttle services available.

International Plaza and West Shore Mall close to airport.  Many quality restaurants in the immediate area.

Next Scheduled date:

August 26 & 27, 2021

photo of infrared instruction

thermal image of man holding
Man holding small child

expectant mother
Expectant mother

lower extremity
Lower extremities - vascular

"A quick note to thank you very much for the highly informative conference ...I personally learned an enormous amount in a very short space of time... This is clearly a vital and exciting time in this field and I look forward to staying in touch.
- Ed, United Kingdom -

"It was an extremely valuable opportunity to meet you and to exchange ideas.  I am full of thoughts now ... Your knowledge in the field of thermology and my medical experiences are having together a big possibility to step further" 
- Zoltan, Hungary

"Thanks again for some very interesting insights into the world of tele-thermography and an enjoyable couple of days. It certainly resolved some of the issues / concerns I had with respect to interpretation of images. It also highlighted some important points about equipment."
David, United Kingdom -

Times:   9:00 a.m  -  5:00 pm, Thursday
               9:00 a.m. - 12:30 pm, Friday

Refreshments and Luncheon included

Seminar Fee:   US $350. for Principal - Early registration

Additional staff members from same office @ $175 per person

(Late Registration Fee is $450 per person within 15 days of meeting)
Pre-registration is essential as space is limited.*  

Registration Form

Number attending:

Enter Selected Seminar Date:

April 8-9 / August 26-27

Enter method of payment
for Course Fee 
Paypal / U.S. Check / Money Order / Bank Wire / Western Union / Electronic Transfer
Are you using infrared now? If yes, what type of imager?

Type of Organization
or Professional Affiliation:
i.e. clinic, university, hospital
business entity, etc.

More from Previous Attendees

"Thanks again for an informative, well-organized and thorough meeting last weekend.  I found you as engaging and approachable in person as over the phone.  I couldn't help but think of ways to conduct or establish a "mobile DIRT (digital infra red th
ermography)" program or business to complement our wellness center. "
-- Dan, California -

That was quite a class... We had a real ball ... I ordered 8 books from Amazon including the ones you recommended... Thanks so much for a great class and all your help. You are a tremendous advocate for the technology and I appreciate it very much.

 - Barbara, Virginia -

"Thank you so much for the training.  I thoroughly enjoyed it." Carie Z., Arizona
# of Attendees


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*Cancellations made within 15 days of the scheduled seminar are non-refundable, and credited towards future programs or online courses.

(C) Copyright 1999-2021 Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research, Asheville, NC - Tampa, FL.  USA  Telephone:  813/418-6165 or email: All rights are reserved worldwide.

(C) Copyright 2005-2021 Teletherm color palette designation EYESC3, EYECLOSE1, Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research - Asheville, NC - Tampa, FL.  USA.  All rights are reserved worldwide.