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Note cool finger (yellow shades) on left hand (image right). Even colder region over the joint on the same finger. Note overall coolness of metacarpal region on this hand. Increased thermal activity over joints on fingers of right hand (image left). Legend: red is hot, blue is cold. | |
Increased thermal activity over the left wrist by the thumb (image right). Fairly symmetrical with good thermal activity in both hands, extending into fingers. Slight increase over the dorsal aspect of the right hand. | |
Subject has just immersed left hand into cold water. See image below a minute later, showing return of thermal activity. Note cool blue region across hand. | |
Note return of blood flow to hand after immersion in cold water as compared with image above. | |
Significant thermal activity associated with right arm and hand (palmar view) as compared with decreased activity on the left arm and hand, and noteworthy in the fingers of the left hand (image right). | |
College baseball player. Pitcher. Note unusually cold hands and significantly increased thermal activity with focalized heat zone in region of elbow joint on right arm. | |
Decreased thermal activity in fingers of both hands. Somewhat symmetrical heat distribution. View this same image below with combination of black and white pallette. | |
Black and white pallette applied to background and lower thermal range of above image. Note the shading of the fingers. Black references the warmer shades while white is for colder. Enables a specific determination of which fingers are the coldest in the image. | |
Asymmetry in the hands with much colder left hand and cutoff with regard to digits. Increased thermal intensity zone near wrist on the right hand (image left). | |
Palmar view with reasonably good symmetry exhibited when comparing the two hands and arms. Some slight increase of thermal activity noted on the left forearm. | |
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